Online registrations close 3 April 2025. If you want to register after this date, please contact us at +61 2 9810 8700. TheMHS will only accept over-the-phone registrations after this date, and they will need to be paid immediately via credit card.
2-DAY IN PERSON REGISTRATION (Tuesday & Wednesday)
2-Day registration includes all forum sessions, handbook, and attendance at the networking function. It also includes access to all session recordings post-forum.
Day Only registration includes forum sessions for the registered day, handbook, and attendance at the networking function (Tuesday only). It also includes access to all session recordings post-forum.
Virtual Registration includes access to the live streaming of the forum, and you will not have the ability to direct questions to the speakers. It also includes access to all recordings post-forum.
Early Bird Registration is available for 2-Day registrations till midnight AEDT 11 Feburary 2025.
Concessions are given to full time students, pension card holders, government beneficiaries, community services card holders (NZ), SuperGold card holders (NZ) and unemployed people only. Please upload evidence (e.g., photocopy of pension card or student card) of concession/beneficiary during the registration process.
In addition, concession rates extend to all 16 – 21-year-olds, to help encourage youth participation. Please upload a valid ID card showing your age.
If you are someone experiencing financial difficulties but do not have a concession card, you can write to and on a case-by-case basis we will extend the concession rate to you. We will provide a specific discount code to be used to register online.
Concession rates are excluded from all other marketing promotions and discounts.
Please note: TheMHS also provides student volunteer opportunities.
TheMHS strives to make our events as accessible as possible. Support workers attending TheMHS Forum can apply for a complimentary registration. To register a support worker please email with the documents outlined below and we will provide a specific discount code to be used to register online.
Disability support workers will need to provide the following documents:
receipt of the delegate’s paid registration and
a letter from their employer (on company letter head) outlining their role as a support worker and whose attendance to TheMHS Forum 2025 they are specifically supporting.
Please note:
Disability Support Worker registrations are limited to 1 support worker per day, per delegate.
The delegate must register and pay their registration first before registering their support worker.
Complimentary registrations are non-transferable. They are only to be used by the delegate they are allocated to. Should another person be found using a complimentary pass in the name of another person, they will then be charged for the day/s in attendance.
If you would like to register multiple delegates from the same organisation, please use the group registration link. Group bookings of 5 or more delegates will receive a 5% discount
Group discounts will automatically be applied.
All delegates must be from the same organisation. Discounts apply to 2-day registrations only. Exhibitor, concession, day only and virtual registrations are not eligible for the group discount. Special marketing promotions and discounts are not eligible to also apply for the group discount.
Individual registrations can only be paid by credit card.
Group registrations can be paid by either credit card or EFT/bank transfer.
Payment for Early Bird registrations must be received by midnight AEDT 11 February 2025.
All other payment must be received by COB Friday, 3 April 2025
Any invoices issued after the 3 April 2025, will need to be paid immediately via credit card.
If payment is not received prior to the Forum, access will be granted only after full payment is made via credit card onsite.
Up until 25 March 2025, you are welcome to contact us in writing via to nominate a substitute delegate at no additional charge.
Substitution of delegates will not be accepted after the 25 March 2025, which is 2 weeks prior to forum.
Delegate fees will be refunded 100% (less a $AU120 administration fee) only if TheMHS Learning Network is notified in writing six (6) weeks before the Forum – that is 25 February 2025.
50% of fee (less a $AU120 administration fee) will be refunded if written notification is received in writing four (4) weeks before the forum – that is 11 March 2025.
NO REFUND will apply after these dates, except at the discretion of TheMHS Learning Network. Late applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, with its decision being final.
If a delegate from a group of 5+ cancels, thereby reducing the group size to less than the specified minimum (see Group Discount section), the group coordinator will be invoiced for the discounted amount.
Please make sure to use the invoice number in your payment reference, so we can reconcile your payment accurately.
- Cancellation of bookings must be made in writing by emailing
- Cancellation will attract fees calculated as follows:
31 days or more prior to the check-in | Full Refund |
30 - 15 days prior to check-in | Cancellation will be charged for 01 Night stay |
Less than 15 days prior to check-in | No refund |
An attendance certificate will be emailed to you in the week after the forum. The certificate issued will be in the name of the registered delegate only.
Attendees are advised that photographs may be taken during the meeting and reproduced for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed, please email In addition, you can collect a sticker for your name bade from the registration desk on site, which will indicate to the photographer you do not wish to be photographed.
Attendees are advised that TheMHS will record presentations during the Forum. These recordings will be made available on TheMHS’ Resource Library after the Forum. The recordings may also be used for promotional purposes.
Some speakers may agree to share their presentation slides and webcasts (where available) with delegates only. This content is not intended for wider distribution – sharing, broadcasting and/or copying of this content is not permitted according to Australia’s intellectual property laws. Please be respectful of these speakers’ intellectual property so that we can continue to offer similar content in future events.
Expenses for and arrangements delegates may make for travel and accommodation are at your sole risk and to the extent permitted by law, TheMHS is not liable to you for those expenses in any circumstances. We recommend that you consider making accommodation and transport arrangements that permit variation or cancellation with appropriate refunds. We further recommend that you obtain insurance (if available) that will reimburse you accommodation and transport costs in the event of cancellation.
It is strongly recommended that delegates also take out adequate personal insurance prior to the commencement of the forum to cover any loss of fees should you be unable to participate in the Forum for any reason.
The Forum organisers will not be liable for any participant failing to take out their own insurance.
All delegates registering must accept these terms and conditions, in their Your own personal capacity, and also for and on behalf of:
(a) any business or organisation which You represent, or which employs You; and
(b) any guest other person(s) for whom You complete registration for the Event, (each of which is a "Relevant Person") and
You warrant that You:
have the express authority of all Relevant Persons to accept these terms and conditions on its/their behalf;
have provided a copy of these terms and conditions to all Relevant Persons; and
have the consent of each Relevant Person (being an individual) to provide his/her personal information to TheMHS.
While TheMHS will make reasonable endeavours to stage the Event as advertised. Delegates agree that the following may occur without liability of any kind to TheMHS
(a) changes to the Event dates, the venue or the location of the Event or components of the Event within the venue;
(b) changes to program content, its order or session times;
(c) changes to the speakers and other presenters;
(d) changes to the social program and the venue(s) for networking reception and other events.
If any changes occur to the Event as advertised, reasonable endeavours will be made to arrange for reasonable substitutes, subject to availability and the circumstances that made the change(s) necessary or desirable. Notice of substantial and material changes will be placed on this website. You are responsible for checking for such notifications/alerts prior to the Event.
In the event the forum cannot be held and is postponed due to events beyond the control of TheMHS (incl. force majeure) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of TheMHS, TheMHS cannot be held liable by delegates for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, financial losses, etc.
Under these circumstances, TheMHS reserves the right to transfer the registration to the postponed event. If you are unable to attend the new dates, you may, by notifying us no later than 30 days after the originally scheduled date of the postponed event, obtain a refund for the registration cost less 20% admin fee. The admin fee will be used to cover costs already incurred for the organisation of the event and which could not be recovered from third parties.
Sole remedy: Any refund will be your sole remedy for a postponement or cancellation of an event, and, to the extent permitted by law, TheMHS will have no further liability to you in respect of any cancellation, variation, rescheduling or postponement of an event for any reason.
Your conduct at this Event – At all times during this Event You must comply with the TheMHS Event Code of Conduct. You must:
(a) conduct Yourself in a reasonable, respectful, considerate and lawful manner;
(b) not act, speak or otherwise communicate in a manner that is offensive, obscene or that reasonable persons may consider to be offensive or obscene;
(c) if You consume alcohol, do so reasonably and responsibly;
(d) not place the safety and health of any person(s) at the Event at risk;
(e) not cause personal injury to, or defame, any person or damage the property of any person;
(f) be respectful towards speakers and others expressing their opinions and refrain from causing a nuisance or interrupting or disrupting program content;
(g) comply promptly with our reasonable and lawful directions of our authorised staff, our contractors and of the relevant venues;
(h) ensure that each Relevant Person complies with the foregoing.
We may, without liability to You or any Relevant Person, eject You (and/or a Relevant Person) from the Event and/or refuse entry to the Event or any part of the Event if We, acting reasonably, consider that You or a Relevant Person are/is in breach of these terms and conditions, or for any other reasonable cause.
The information given by presenters at the forum does not represent the views of TheMHS, and does not constitute therapeutic advice. We strongly advise Forum presenters to take out their own professional indemnity insurance.
TheMHS cannot control all content published or disseminated at the event. You alone are solely responsible for your interaction with other attendees and agree to act responsibly and exercise caution, common sense and safety while in attendance at the event.
Delegates and other invitees must observe the requests and, or directions of TheMHS staff.
Delegates must at all times comply with the terms and conditions of entry to each venue connected with this Event, and with any lawful directions given by its authorised personnel.
TheMHS reserves the right to update the Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions without notice to you.
Registered delegates are liable for any damages caused by the delegate to the event venues, accommodations rooms, supplier equipment or the organiser’s equipment. In registering for the event, the delegate agrees to indemnify the organiser for any damages caused by the delegate to any venue or equipment.
TheMHS, its directors, employees, volunteers, agents and affiliates shall not be liable for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims or expenses whatsoever arising out of or referable to the event.
Definition: A child is any person under the age of 18.
If you would like to attend the event with your child, please register them online, along with the details of the accompanying adult. Although we recognise that children are not always silent, we ask you to please consider the experience of other delegates during sessions and cooperate with our event team if you are asked to temporarily leave a meeting room. Our aim is to balance the needs of all our delegates and ensure everyone has as good event experience as possible.
Children need to be accompanied and supervised at all times by a parent or legal guardian or a responsible adult over the age of 21, who may be a delegate or an additional carer that has the permission of their legal guardian to accompany the child.
Children under 16 years can attend with the specific permission of TheMHS, contact to request permission.
For the Forum delegates under 18 years old the following points must be adhered to for the protection of the child:
No child under the age of 14 may be left alone or unsupervised at any time whilst at the event. Any person supervising children must be a responsible adult over the age of 21. This person must be willing to take full responsibility for the health, safety and wellbeing of the child at all times.
TheMHS reserves the right to refuse admittance to children.
Children/young persons who are unwell or excluded from school for health reasons will not be allowed at the event.
In the event of a first aid incident involving a child an Ambulance will be called.
We take no responsibility for content deemed unsuitable for children which may be displayed during sessions.
Any child under the age of 14 found unattended at the event will be taken to registration desk who will make reasonable attempts to identify and contact their parent or the authorised adult. If the parent/carer cannot be identified and located, TheMHS are authorised to contact the police and hand over the child into their protection.
In the event that your child should go missing please report to the registration desk immediately. Formal steps will be taken to try and locate your child. The police will be called for assistance if and when necessary.
No child will be allowed to leave the venue confines with anyone other than the identified parent/carer/legal guardian without written permission from the child’s parent/carer/legal guardian.
TheMHS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and Owners of the lands and waterways throughout Australia, paying our respects to Elders past, and present.
TheMHS Learning Network is a not-for-profit learning network for improving mental health services in Australia and New Zealand
© 2023 TheMHS Learning Network Inc