Why Sponsor TheMHS Forum 2025

Trust our experience

TheMHS has over 33 years’ experience hosting some of the most inclusive conferences and learning forums in Australia and New Zealand.

Build connections

Our events bring together a diverse audience from across the mental health sector, including with strong lived experience participation, as well as clinicians, educators, policy makers, family/carers, and researchers. This opportunity for building relationships not only allows you to promote your organisation but can also direct you to emerging developments and improvement in mental health services.

Promoting your participation

Your support is publicised widely before and after TheMHS event through a range of digital and print media, including marketing emails, TheMHS website, social media, on-site signage, and event handbooks.

Support and contribute

TheMHS offers bursaries to carers, consumers, First Nations people, and other key groups to attend our events. By sponsoring or exhibiting at TheMHS, you contribute to supporting these individuals and other delegates in their continual learning.

TheMHS Learning Network is a not-for-profit learning network for improving mental health services in Australia and New Zealand

© 2023 TheMHS Learning Network Inc