For almost seven decades Flourish Australia has served Australian communities by providing support for people with a lived experience of a complex mental health issue, as well as their families and carers. Our vision is to actively create and inspire a world where everyone’s mental wellbeing can flourish.
Neami supports 38,000 people each year to achieve the mental health and wellbeing outcomes that matter to them. We deliver mental health and wellbeing, housing and homelessness, and suicide prevention services over 40 Indigenous lands across Australia. We place lived and living experience at the heart of everything we do.
Mind Australia is one of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services. We provide individualised, evidence-based and recovery focussed support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns in Australia every year.
SANE supports Australians living with complex mental illness and trauma. Founded and led by lived experience, we bridge gaps in the mental health system, address inequity and reduce stigma and discrimination. SANE is a leader in digital services, providing free guided recovery programs, counselling and peer support. Learn more at
TheMHS Learning Network is a not-for-profit learning network for improving mental health services in Australia and New Zealand
© 2023 TheMHS Learning Network Inc